Saturday, April 2, 2011

World Autism Awareness Day!

Of course I have to blog on the most important day for Autism!  World Autism Awareness Day gets the month of April off to a bang, only to be followed by numerous events throughout the world to celebrate April as Autism Awareness Month.  I get so excited and emotional just thinking of all the support taking place this month.  The biggest event for us will be the very FIRST Autism Awareness Walk for Manchester!!!!  It will take place April 29th at 6:30pm and begin at EKU-Manchester Ctr.  We will walk it to Rawlings/Stinson park where hopefully the weather will permit us to watch a movie!!  It may not seem like much, but to a community where guessing that 90% of ppl have no clue what Autism is really about, then its HUGE!!!  I can't thank Jessalynn & Kevin Bowman enough for their advocacy for not only their son, Ethan, but for ALL families who deal with this epidemic. 

It may not seem like it if you are around me but not one day passes that Autism isn't on my mind.  It's not always good thoughts, like thinking of what my son has accomplished or what new "links" scientists have found in hopes to end Autism.  But many times my thoughts are full of bitterness and jealousy, especially when I watch "healthy" children talking and reading and obeying their parents or following their command.  Its almost been a year since Talon was diagnosed with Autism and I not only see the huge change in him but in myself as well.  It would be a lie if I said I didn't struggle with the diagnosis on my son's life.  It would be an even bigger lie if I said I accepted him as the "autistic boy" that he is.  I guess that's the hardest part about Autism.  I don't EVER want to change who Talon is, but in my own selfish regard, he HAS to change to be an overcomer.  It's very contradictory in my explanation so I try to relate it best through the life of Temple Grandin, excuse me, DR. Temple Grandin.  This extraordinary Autistic woman has a story that would bring you to your knees.  I'm not going to go into her life but seriously check it out... just google it... its awesome.  Okay so back to how I relate it to her.  She once said (not quoted) that without Autistic individuals we wouldn't have the world as we know it.  All those that came before us like Einstein, Beethoven, Thomas Edison, Charles Darwin, Van Gogh, and Thomas Jefferson (just to name a few) were all believed to be Autistic!!!!  Look at their accomplishments that changed the way of life forever.  So basically what I'm trying to say is that I don't want Talon to be something he wasn't meant to be.  I know he was given this for a reason and peoples lives will be forever changed for it, but its the -not knowing- part I guess that gets me a little down.  The fear that maybe I'm not doing enough for him or that I'm missing something he's trying to tell me that could help him.  Just typical mommy fears I suppose.  Just another part of "me" that needs work.  But luckily I have a huge support group that never ceases to amaze me and continues to grow!!  I have met some of the strongest most amazing people of faith that I would have probably never met had we not had this one similarity.  Together we will see our children conquer the impossible and give strength and hope to the ones just beginning their journeys.  HAPPY WORLD AUTISM AWARENESS DAY!!!!!!

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