Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Short & Sweet... but Thankful :)

I really don't have too much to say but wanted to take the time to THANK everyone who did ANYTHING during the month of APRIL to promote AUTISM AWARENESS!!  From the ribbons worn, to facebook posts, to joining us during one of the BIGGEST events for AUTISM our community has seen... a HUGE thanks goes out for your love and support. The turnout for the walk exceeded every expectation I ever imagined and my heart was overwhelmed.  As a mother of an autistic son, all we truly want is for others to see what our children are really about.  I want you to see the little boy who laughs and hugs and LOVES his life.  He doesn't know he's different and if we could only live in a world where "others" didn't perceive him as different, we could move so much further without so much of the grief we endure.  These kids are smart and should never NEVER be underestimated!!!  Never talk around them as if they are not there and even though they might not ask, don't ever NOT include them in group activities. (yes that's a double negative, sorry english teachers!!) But again THANK YOU for your support for the month of APRIL!!! but please remember autism doesn't stop for us and we need you EVERYDAY!  WE LOVE YOU!!!!

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